What Do People Need to Do When Using the South Beach Diet?
Phase 1
Phase 1 lasts for two weeks and is the most restrictive phase of the plan. During this phase you will avoid all starchy foods like bread, fruits, potatoes, corn, carrots and rice. There is also no alcohol allowed during Phase 1. You are allowed to have lean cuts of beef, pork, chicken, turkey and fish. Vegetables such as artichokes, broccoli, beans, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, snow peas, spinach, tomatoes, and zucchini are also allowed. Low-fat cheeses, spices, fat-free milk, nuts, broth, olive oil, and butter are all foods you can eat during the first phase. Eat as many eggs as you want unless your doctor has told you otherwise. If you desire something sweet, you can eat sugar-free hard candies, sugar-free fudgsicles, sugar-free gum and sugar-free chocolate powder. Eat small meals every few hours, never going more than four hours in between. If you are hungry between meals, then you are not giving yourself enough to eat. Portion sizes do not have to be measured. Eat to satisfy your hunger, but do not stuff yourself.
Phase 2
After you have completed the two weeks of Phase 1, you can start to add some starches back into your diet. Add one starch per week so you will be able to recognize the foods that cause you to gain weight. These foods you will want to enjoy rarely, even when you reach your ideal weight. Some of the foods that you can reintroduce during Phase 2 include: Apples, bananas, cantaloupe, blueberries, cherries, oranges, peaches, strawberries, artificially sweetened nonfat flavored yogurt, whole grain breads, whole grain or fiber-rich cereals, sugar-free bran muffins, whole wheat pasta, popcorn, small sweet potatoes, brown and wild rice, chocolate (occasionally), fat-free and sugar-free pudding and red or white wines. During the second phase, you should continue to avoid white potatoes, cookies, cakes, white rice, corn, pineapple, raisins, watermelon, honey, ice cream and white or refined wheat breads. By now your body should have adjusted to the diet and you should find yourself with a lot of energy. This is a good time to start a regular exercise program. Walking just 30 minutes every day 3 to 5 times per week is sufficient exercise that even a busy mom can fit into her schedule. Regular exercise will not only help you lose weight faster, but you will keep the weight off longer.
Phase 3
Once you have reached your goal weight, you will switch to Phase 3 of the South Beach Diet. This is how you should eat for the rest of your life to maintain your goal weight. During Phase 3, there are no restricted foods. You should know by now which foods cause you to gain weight and should be avoided. If you find yourself indulging a little too often, just switch back to Phase 1 until you get back to your goal. You may switch back and forth between phases of the diet as often as needed.
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