South Beach Phase 1 Foods to Avoid
Although there is a wide selection of vegetables to eat, you must avoid all kinds of potatoes (including yams), beets, carrots and corn because of either their starch or sugar content.
Unlike most other diets, the South Beach program eliminates absolutely all fruits from your menu during the first phase, including juices.
Cutting out all starches is crucial in this phase. No pastries, pastas, breads or cereals--even if they are made of whole wheat or other grains--can be consumed.
Any fatty cuts of beef, such as brisket and liver, or fatty meats like duck, cannot be eaten until you start Phase 3 of the diet.
For two weeks, you must abstain from drinking milk. This includes skim and 2 percent milk, and soy milk (unless it's a small amount for flavoring coffee). Milk products such as ice cream are also avoided.
An exception to the no-milk rule is certain cheeses: You can eat them, except for those that haven't had their fat content reduced, along with Edam and brie.