Phase Two Diet Plan for the South Beach Diet
New Choices
During the diet's Phase Two, you continue to eat all of the foods you were permitted to eat during Phase One. But there also some new choices, including reintroducing lower glycemic fruits such as apples, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, plums and apricots. Also allowed is dairy in the form of milk (skim or 1 percent), plain yogurt (fat free or low fat), "light" fruit flavored yogurt (reduced fat yogurt with artificially sweetened fruit), or fat free pudding. Phase Two includes pinto beans or black eyed peas; and small amounts of grains such as brown rice, wild rice, whole wheat pasta, Uncle Sam cereal, steel cut oatmeal and small whole grain bagels. Red wine or semisweet or bittersweet chocolate can be consumed occasionally. Unlimited protein can be eaten at every meal. At minimum, have 1/2 cup of vegetables at breakfast, and 2 cups of vegetables at lunch and dinner. Each day, have one fruit choice and one grain choice, although you will work your way up to three choices of each, daily. Every meal may include one serving of fat. You may have 1 1/2 cups of milk or other dairy servings every day. Snacks are an added option. They can be protein, vegetables, nuts, or a fruit or dairy serving.
Limits Remain
Although your choices on Phase Two are broader, there are still some foods to avoid, including higher glycemic index fruits such as bananas, raisins and fruit juices. Starchy vegetables must continue to be avoided such as beets, corn, carrots, and potatoes. Products made with refined flower and sugar, including most breads, cookies, and cereals (including rice cakes), are not allowed. Avoid honey, jams and jellies, and ice cream.
Why Progress?
It is important to begin at Phase Two if that is appropriate for you, or that you progress to Phase Two if you began the diet at Phase One. Weight is lost more slowly on Phase Two of the diet, but the additional foods help provide variety which is important nutritionally, and to keep from becoming bored with your eating plan. According to Dr. Agatston, even people who have a large amount of weight to lose should stay on Phase One for only two months.