Quick Result Diet
South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet is different than many other high-protein diets because it is designed to be a healthy way of eating that you can maintain for life. Some other high-protein diets don't allow you to eat carbohydrates.
The South Beach Diet has three phases. The first two phases are to help you lose weight and the third phase is the way you will eat for the rest of your life. This structure helps you to maintain your weight and avoid yo-yo dieting.
Phase One
In the first phase of the South Beach diet, you are basically detoxing your body from refined sugars and bad carbohydrates. During this two-week phase you can eat lean protein, low glycemic index vegetables, eggs, low-fat cheese, nuts and seeds. Because of this plan, you may see a weight loss of eight to 13 pounds. Some people will lose more, others will lose less.
Phase Two
Phase two lasts until you get down to your desired weight. If you are in phase three and you start gaining weight, go back to phase two. In phase two you can eat more foods. You can eat some whole grains, most vegetables and fruits and lean meats plus anything you can eat in phase one.
Phase Three
Phase three doesn't give specific food guidelines because the plan is based on you knowing what foods you should eat and what foods you should avoid based on phases one and two. This plan teaches you how to eat responsibly so that you can eat healthily and maintain your weight without constantly dieting.
With the South Beach diet, you not only get quick weight loss but you get a plan that you can live with your entire life. Some restaurants even have items listed on their menu as being for the South Beach diet, making it easier for you to figure out what foods are good choices based on your diet. You can buy the South Beach diet book or join online and have access to a community that will support you in your weight loss.