How to Eat on The South Beach Diet
Things You'll Need
- South Beach Diet recipes
- Low-starch vegetables
- Lean meats
- Low-fat cheeses
- Decaffeinated beverages
3 Phases of the Diet
Phase 1, the first two weeks of the South Beach Diet, can be the most challenging. The goal is to break the body's addiction to high-glycemic foods. Do not consume sugar, breads, pasta, fruits, starchy vegetables or cereal. High-protein and low-fat foods, such as chicken, turkey breast, eggs and fish, are encouraged during this phase. Low-fat cheeses and nuts are also acceptable. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. The only other beverages allowed on the South Beach Diet are decaffeinated coffee and tea. Sodas, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.
In phase 2 of the South Beach Diet, you are allowed to introduce foods that were not allowed in the first phase. The length of phase 2 will vary depending on the individual. Continue to eat the same type of foods as in phase 1, but add fruits and grains in moderation. You can also gradually add other favorite foods. For example, a glass of wine or a piece of cake is acceptable in strict moderation, such as once per week. Weight loss during this phase is not as dramatic but may be steady.
Once you reach your weight-loss goal, begin phase 3. Include the foods you enjoy, but eat them in moderation. The goal of the South Beach Diet is to remain in phase 3 and strive for consistently healthy eating habits. If you decide to stay on the plan and begin to gain weight, or find yourself eating too many foods high in starch, sugar and carbs, consider going back to either phase 1 or 2.