Phase I of the South Beach Diet
Phase 1 Time Frame
Phase 1 is the most stringent phase but still gives dieters a wide range of food choices and leaves you feeling full. Phase 1 last two weeks and gives dieters a jump start on weight loss. The two weeks "resolves the insulin resistance that was brought about by eating too many bad (mostly processed) carbs" says Dr. Agatston. This portion of the diet is the hardest since dieter's are required to give up sugar, almost all starchy foods and dieter's go through sugar withdrawal.
Carbohydrate Consumption
On the South Beach diet, there is a misconception that the South Beach Diet eliminates carbohydrate consumption. The diet allows you to eat carbohydrates, but only the "right carbs." During phase 1, it suggests low glycemic carbs, which include foods that are high in fiber, such as legumes.
Features of the South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet plan allows dieters to eat six meals a day. There are many salads and vegetables that are unlimited in portion sizes so you have a feeling of fullness throughout the day. It also provides many of the nutrients that are healthy for your body to eliminate cravings for foods that are high in sugar and starches.
Foods to Enjoy
The South Beach Diet phase 1 offers food such as beef, poultry and seafood to cheese, nuts, eggs and vegetables. You can also use spices that don't contain sugar and there is a, limited amount of sweets such as sugar free candy, fudgesicles and Jello.
Foods to Avoid In Phase 1
In phase 1 of the South Beach Diet, there are types of beef like liver and brisket that you cannot eat because of the high fat content. Dark meat in poultry is also removed from your diet. Certain cheeses such as Brie and Edam are not allowed and starchy vegetables such as corn, carrots and potatoes are not allowed. Fruit is not allowed in phase 1. Any types of foods that contain starch are not allowed, which include bread, cereal or any type of pasta and rice. Milk products are avoided with the exception of cheese so, you cannot eat yogurt, milk or ice-cream. Alcohol is forbidden during phase1 of the diet.
Continuing Weight Loss and Maintenance
After finishing phase 1 of the diet, dieter's move on to phase 2 and 3 of the diet. Phase 2 gradually introduces more carbohydrates into your diet. Phase 2 lasts the longest and dieters stay on it until they have achieved their weight loss goal. Phase 3 begins once you have achieved your weight loss goal and is used for maintenance. Phase 3 is the phase of the diet that you will continue throughout your lifetime to maintain your ideal weight.