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Synthetic Compared to Natural Vitamins

You can find natural as well as synthetic vitamins at any local grocery or drug store. While you can get natural vitamins from natural sources, you can only make synthetic vitamins in a laboratory setting from coal tar derivatives. Even though most commercial vitamin supplements in the current market include synthetic vitamins, many nutritionists recommend only buying vitamins made from natural sources.
  1. Natural Vitamins

    • Nutritionists define natural vitamins as a concentrated nutrient derived from a natural source, which contains co-factors that come from within the nutrient in nature. Doctors and nutritionists alike recommend taking natural vitamins as they retain maximum natural material, with no artificial flavoring or preservatives.

    Synthetic Vitamins

    • You can only get synthetic vitamins from making them in a laboratory setting. Synthetic vitamins contain no co-factors. While they perform many important functions within the body, they do not perform the same functions in the body as natural vitamins found in whole food. In addition, many synthetic vitamins deplete the body of other vital nutrients and have negative effects on the kidneys before they are excreted through the body through urine.

    Price And Quality

    • Most food supplements in the market today contain synthetic vitamins because they are cheaper to produce than natural vitamins. In addition, many natural health authorities and doctors claim that natural vitamins are a higher quality of vitamin, as synthetic vitamins are only made up of isolated portions of vitamins, which occur naturally in food.

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