How to Increase Vitamin D in Your Diet
Some brands of orange juice are fortified with vitamin D. Eat a variety of foods fortified with vitamin D. Because there aren't many foods that naturally contain vitamin D, some foods have added this nutrient. Fortified breakfast cereals, milk, soy milk, yogurt, margarine and orange juice are all excellent sources of vitamin D.
Salmon is a rich source of vitamin D. Increase the amount of fatty fish in your diet. Fish, such as mackerel, tuna, salmon and sardines can add up to 700 IUs per serving of vitamin D to your diet. Cod liver oil in liquid or supplement form is also a good source of vitamin D.
Shrimp is naturally rich in vitamin D. Try eating more shrimp. Whether eaten raw, grilled or boiled, shrimp contains high quantities of vitamin D. Eating ten pieces of medium-size shrimp can increase your vitamin D intake by 90 IUs.
Egg yolks contain a small amount of vitamin D. Adding one egg yolk to your diet each day gives you 6 percent of the RDA of vitamin D. Eggs added to foods you cook or bake also increase your amount of vitamin D.
Eat beef liver more often. Eating 3.5 ounces of beef liver increases your RDA of vitamin D by 12 percent.
Swiss cheese naturally contains vitamin D. Sprinkle cheese on your favorite foods. Swiss, cheddar and parmesan cheese contain small amounts of vitamin D.
Mushrooms are a rich source of vitamin D. Include mushrooms in your diet. Mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet light contain high quantities of vitamin D.
Spend time in the sun each day. According to the Mayo Clinic, spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun each day will allow your body to make enough vitamin D for the entire day. However, the darker your skin is, the longer you will need to be in the sun to reap its benefits.
Taking vitamin D supplements might be necessary for some people. Take vitamin D supplements. If you are not able to spend time in the sun and are on a restricted diet, you might need to consume vitamin D in supplement form. While it is recommended to take 400 to 600 IUs per day, the Office of Dietary Supplements says it is safe for adults over age 18 to take up to 1,000 IUs per day of vitamin D supplements.