Vitamins for Mood & Energy
Vitamin B
One mood-enhancing vitamin is the vitamin B complex. Vitamin B6 is the vitamin that enhances mood. According to "The Complete Book of Vitamin Cures" it can be taken to battle the depressing symptoms of PMS and it can be used with other herbal supplements, like St. John's Wort, in place of anxiety medications. The B-complex is rich in folic acid, which is something that depressed people can be lacking.
Vitamin C
Getting enough vitamin C will keep the immune system functioning well, which can aid in fighting depression and getting energy flowing, according to "Healing With Vitamins." If the immune system is running right, the body can function at a higher capacity, making for a happier mood and more energy for getting things done.
"Healing With Vitamins" also states that the mineral Selenium can help fight depression and lift your mood. Just 70 micrograms a day of Selenium can help fight fatigue, anxiety and depression.