Natural Vitamins That Maintain Your Voice
Vitamin A
Take vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A strengthens mucus membranes, which means that it promotes the healing process. You can also obtain vitamin A through the diet, by eating peppers, parsley, carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes and mangos.
Vitamin C
Take vitamin C supplements. The body lacks the ability to store vitamin C, so we need a daily supply of it in order to stay fit and healthy. Vitamin C helps to prevent the sore throat infection from occurring in the first place, by keeping your immune defence strong. You can obtain vitamin C by eating a diet rich in rose hips, blackcurrants, kale, spinach, broccoli and strawberries.
Vitamin E
Take vitamin E supplements. A great way to boost your autoimmune system is by making sure that you have enough vitamin E in your diet; an increased intake of vitamin E has been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation, which will allow your vocal chords to recover as quickly as possible. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, avocados and nuts.