Most Reputable and Trustworthy Omega-3 Companies
Both and Nutritional Supplements Health Guide rate Xtend-Life as a top maker of natural products including Omega-3 capsules. According to, "X-tend Life are the best fish oil supplements that money can buy." The website makes this claim because each Xtend-Life capsule contains 28 percent of DHA and does not have contaminants. Many fish oil capsules only contain 8 percent of DHA. According to Nutritional Supplements Health Guide, Xtend-Life is also reputable because the company provides special reports to help customers choose the best product based on their health concerns. Xtend-Life is also moderately priced as low as $16.85 per bottle as of October 2010.
Nature Made
Nature Made Omega 3 Max Strength is also ranked high on the list by with a 14 percent DHA level per capsule. The bottle is priced at $19.99 as of October 2010, only a few dollars more than X-tend Life. It's also easy to find as it's available at most grocery stores. Nature Made is a reputable company because it was the first company to receive the USP Dietary Supplement Verification Seal.
Red Seal
Wild Health Food ranks Red Seal Ultimate Omega Oil as the best Omega-3 brand. This is in part because Red Seal has 27.8 percent DHA per capsule. The brand is also considered reputable and trustworthy, because after a series of testing a variety of Omega-3 brands, Wild Health Food found that Red Seal actually does provide the amount of DHA per capsule as claimed on the bottle, whereas some other brands do not. Red Seal has also been in business since 1923. Red Seal Ultimate Omega Oil runs approximately $7.76 for a one-month supply as of October 2010.