Vitamins & Sleeplessness
B Vitamins
Eggs are a rich source of vitamin B. B vitamins metabolize serotonin, which causes fatigue and assists the body in falling asleep. When the body lacks these vitamins, sleep may be difficult to attain. Injections of vitamin B12 have been used to treat insomnia, with successful results. Recommended amounts are 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day. Food sources of vitamin B include meat, fish, dairy and eggs. (
Cheese and other dairy products are rich sources of calcium. Calcium can provide a sedative quality and aid in sleep. When calcium is deficient in the diet it can lead to restlessness and an impairment of sleep. About 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day are recommended, and the results tend to be best when consumed directly from food. Food sources of calcium include cheese, milk, yogurt and spinach.
Almonds and other nights provide magnesium. Magnesium can help to create restful feelings, while a deficiency in magnesium can lead to restlessness. One thousand milligrams per day is the recommended dose. Nuts such as cashews and almonds and also brewer's yeast are rich sources of magnesium.