Vitamins That Help You Focus
Vitamins B6 and B12
According to Dr. Decker Weiss, NMD, AACVPR, Vitamin B6 is essential in the regulation of nerve transmissions; a deficiency in Vitamin B6 leads to nervousness and insomnia, affecting your ability to concentrate. Vitamins B6 and B12 act to reduce certain amino acids that, at elevated levels, contribute to dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Adequate levels of these B vitamins can diminish symptoms of memory loss and prevent Alzheimer's. In addition, claims that B6 has been shown to aid in memory retention. Natural sources include meats, fish, wheat germ, egg yolk, cantaloupe, cabbage, milk and yeast.
Folic Acid
Also known as vitamin B9, natural sources of folic acid include deep green leafy vegetables, yeast, liver and kidney. An ongoing study of Alzheimer's disease that began in 1986 indicated that a comparatively less degree of brain damage occurred in those whose intake of folate was greater. Additional support for folic acid as a promoter of mental focus lies in its key function in the production of red blood cells and ability to help improve your sense of well-being and mental clarity.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C aids in neurotransmitter production and communication between cells. This support helps to maintain cognitive function by keeping the mind calm, thereby increasing mental focus, states Native Remedies. An antioxidant also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C occurs naturally in citrus fruits and peels, berries, green and leafy vegetables, cabbages and peppers.
Vitamin E
Another antioxidant useful in promoting mental acuity, vitamin E is necessary for proper functioning of the central nervous system. It is found in wheat germ oil, whole wheat and whole grains, leafy greens, vegetable oils, meats and eggs.
Taken along with other nutrients and herbs, these vitamins can improve your short-term mental focus and prevent deterioration of your mental health. Fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables as well as meats provide the primary source of these vitamins and are naturally grouped together in organic sources to work together in our bodies. Traditionally, treating a vitamin deficiency by introducing an unprocessed food rich in that vitamin to the diet sufficiently addressed the symptoms, especially when taken in combination with other known synergistic nutrients. You can also supplement your diet with over-the-counter products. Choose supplements that are derived from organic substances, which are of necessity low potency and often contain additional synergistic substances naturally contained in an organic combination. Avoid synthetically manufactured vitamins, which are chemically derived from inorganic substances. Further, because exercise increases blood flow to the brain, it comprises an important component of healthy brain functioning and goes hand-in-hand with a balanced supply of nutrients, including vitamins.
Long term, these vitamins can combat attention deficiencies noted in adult and childhood Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Even if symptoms specific to a vitamin deficiency don't present, ensuring a balanced diet and supplement regimen can prevent the development of chronic problems such as headache, nervousness, depression and other problems that interfere with mental focus. Delay the natural effects of aging and slow down the onset of senility -- ensure a sufficient intake of Vitamins B6, B12, B9, C and E.