Information on Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 as a Supplement
If you live in a part of the world where there is little chance of sun exposure due to dark and bitter winters, then a supplement of Vitamin D3 is highly recommended. Even if you live in a tropical climate and need to use a sunscreen often, this would block your body's capacity to produce the vitamin naturally. It would be advisable to opt for the supplement in such a case. In the US, milk and bread products are fortified with vitamin D3.
Bone Health
Taking vitamin D3 supplements will ensure healthy bones as it aids in the absorption of calcium, a crucial vitamin that abets bone strength and density. Sufficient D3 also prevents deficiency diseases such as rickets. Most D3 supplement pills are fortified with calcium to ensure wholesome bone health.
Fights Cancer
A study conducted by the Creighton University School of Medicine, extending for a period of four years, established that a lack of vitamin D3 put people at a significant risk of cancer. The study traced 1179 post-menopausal women and examined how those who took even three times more than the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin D3 had as much as 60 percent lower risk of contracting cancer than those who did not take the vitamin.