Important Vitamins for Vegetarians
Iron is a mineral that is present in all cells and carries out vital functions such as helping to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency can result in anemia, impaired mental function in infants and fatigue in adults. Vegetarians must consume a variety of iron-rich foods to make up for what is missing in a meatless diet. Spinach, pumpkin seeds, lentils and white beans are significant sources of iron that can be part of a balanced vegetarian diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Vitamin B-12
Without enough vitamin B-12, the body could struggle to maintain proper nerve functions and avoid anemia. Although red meats and seafood are a good source of the vitamin, vegetarians can get it through eggs, dairy products, B-12-fortified foods or B-12 supplements, says Karen Collins, a nutrition adviser to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Niacin, also known as vitamin B-3, is vital for the skin, digestive system and nerves. A niacin deficiency could lead to irritated skin and mental impairment. Although poultry and red meats are rich sources of niacin, vegetarians can eat dairy, nuts, eggs and enriched breads and cereals to avoid a niacin deficiency.
Multivitamin Supplements
A common misconception about vegetarians is that they require multivitamin supplements to meet the body's dietary needs. Suzanne Hobbs notes in "Living Vegetarian for Dummies" that vegetarians are not more prone than meat-eaters to experience vitamin deficiencies. For most vegetarians who eat a variety of plant-based foods, additional multivitamin supplements are not necessary.