Vitamins That Help Clean Out Your System
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has long been known for its effects on the immune system. Consumption of Vitamin C, which can be found in oranges, strawberries, lemons and mustard greens, increases the ability of the immune system to fight off germs and viruses. The vitamin also protects the body from diet-related diseases such as diabetes. An additional benefit of vitamin C is its power as an antioxidant, which helps detoxify the body's cells, cleansing them of dangers such as free radicals (toxins absorbed through the body as a result of pollution and environmental impurities), which have been linked to cancer.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is another vitamin that has a strong impact on the immune system. Consumption of vitamin A, which can be found naturally in foods such as carrots, squash, pumpkin and sweet potatoes, helps to promote strength in the immune system by detoxifying cells, much like that of the effects of vitamin C. In addition, consumption of foods rich in this vitamin helps dissolve the accumulation of heavy metals in the body.
A diet rich in the mineral iron helps to prevent anemia, which is the lack of enough red blood cells in the body. Without the proper level of red blood cells, not enough oxygen is circulated throughout the body and the immune system becomes compromised. Consuming foods rich in iron such as watermelon, raisins, peas and beans help to promote proper oxygenation throughout the body, which helps to detoxify and clean the system of free radicals.
When your body lacks the proper amount of Magnesium, a mineral that is responsible for bone, tissue and blood health, toxic minerals are absorbed by the body in its place. These unhealthy toxins can cause improper heart function through the absorption of plaque in the arterial walls of heart. Diets rich in magnesium, which can be found in whole grains, peanuts, almonds and green, leafy vegetables, detoxify the blood of these toxins and help prevent conditions such as heart disease, arthritis and stroke.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E, long known for its beneficial effects on the skin, also does wonders in regards to preventing the accumulation of heavy metals in the brain. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin E such as eggs, almonds, sweet potatoes and wheat germ help to free the brain of heavy metals, which have been linked to various brain cancers as well as Alzheimer's disease. In addition, consumption of vitamin E through diet or through supplemental vitamins has been linked to decreased risk of muscular degeneration, including muscular dystrophy.