The Best Pharmaceutical Quality Multivitamins
According to, Xtend-Life multivitamins is a New Zealand company that is considered to make some of the best multivitamins on the market among those approved by United States and British Pharmacopeia standards. These vitamins have a four-stage delivery system that ensures the proper nutrients within the vitamin itself are properly absorbed into the body. The vitamin uses only the most potent ingredients making it better for most people to ingest than almost any other vitamin on the market. Xtend-Life manufactures all of their own blend of vitamins and they are relatively transparent about the quality of their vitamins, offering a 90-day money-back guarantee for customers who don't like their vitamins.
GNC Review
According to reviews on the website, General Nutrition Centers (GNC) has a good reputation for making some of the best vitamins and supplements on the market. GNC manufacturers all of their own vitamins and regulates potency levels based on the latest research and findings in regards to how certain nutrients react with the human body in certain amounts. GNC has a number of different types of multivitamins for different ages and body types. For example, a Women's over-50 multivitamin is supposed to add calcium support to a woman's body, while the Mega Men multivitamin is for active men who are trying to build muscle.
Doctor Greens
According to, Doctor Greens has incredibly loyal customers who swear their pharmaceutical quality multivitamins are some of the best on the market. Also according to, these multivitmains give two to five times the nutritional value of most other multivitamins on the market, as they contain organic barley grass juice, extracts of fruits and vegetables, like organic pomegranate, goji and probiotics. The vitamins contain over 115 natural ingredients and there are also fiber and digestion supplements, circulatory supplements, oxidation supplements and natural fish oils for added nutrients. These vitamins are also some of the most expensive on the market but those who are health conscious may find the value is worth it.