Vitamins for Thinning Gray Hair
Retinol, or vitamin A, promotes a healthy scalp, which produces an environment favorable for hair follicle growth. This vitamin is found in natural sources such as liver, eggs, carrots, orange fruits and vegetables and dark green vegetables. According to the U.S. Office of Dietary Supplements, animal sources produce the best absorbed sources of retinol. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A ranges from 3000 IU to 10,000 IU depending upon age and sex.
Vitamin B12
Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 contributes to the normal function of the cells and nervous system. Abnormal metabolic function of the skin cells may eventually result in hair loss due to pernicious anemia. Sources of B12 include liver, egg yolk, milk products and fortified cereal. According to ODS, animal sources provide the highest available levels of cobalamin. The FDA recommends a daily consumption of at least 6 mcg of cobalamin per day. If you are not able to obtain sufficient levels of vitamin B12 in your diet you can receive weekly or monthly injections from your physician.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps maintain healthy levels of red blood cells. These red blood cells, in turn, provide nutrients and oxygen to the scalp to keep it healthy. Also an antioxidant, vitamin C helps fight free radicals that damage cells and contribute to hair loss and gray hair. Sources include citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables and other fruits like tomatoes and berries. The recommended daily allowance is 60 mg to 90 mg. Over-the-counter supplements of vitamin C often contain 400 mg or more of vitamin C, much of which is lost during digestion and absorption.
Folic Acid
Folic acid, or vitamin B9, helps the body produce healthy new cells. The production of healthy cells helps sustain healthy skin and hair. Used in conjunction with patothenic acid, folates may help prevent premature graying of the hair. It's found naturally in liver, soybeans, fruits, wheat and leafy vegetables. Many foods such as ready to eat cereals contain added folic acid. The recommended daily allowance ranges from 200 mcg for women to 400 mcg for men.
Patothenic Acid
Essential for the body's production of energy, patothenic acid also regulates the body's production of hormones that regulate hair growth and pigmentation. It's found abundantly in organ meats, peanuts, mushrooms, bananas, avocado and broccoli. The FDA recommends taking in approximately 10 mg per day of patothenic acid.