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Ingredients in Sea Vegg

Sea Vegg is a seaweed-based vitamin capsule sold in nutrition stores and by online retailers and is manufactured by FarmaSea Health. The product is comprised primarily of kelp and Fucoidan, and is said by its manufacturers to be beneficial to the body by assisting in weight loss, reducing the size of the thyroid gland, promoting hair and nail growth and health, and lowering cholesterol. There are no scientific tests that can verify these claims made specifically about Sea Vegg.
  1. Kelp (Fucus Vesiculosis)

    • Kelp is a key ingredient in Sea Vegg, and contains a significant amount of iodine and various other vitamins (vitamins A, B1, 2, 6 & 12 and D) and nutrients. Kelp is full of antioxidants, has antibacterial properties and is a common ingredient in natural medicines and remedies. Scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom have found a fiber--alginate--in kelp that Dr. Iain Brownlee says could "significantly reduce fat digestion" if consumed by humans.


    • Fucoidan, a marine algal polysaccharide, is found in the cell walls of marine plants like brown seaweed. Fucoidan--long popular in Asia--is said to promote healthy skin, lower cholesterol and is good for the liver. Several manufacturers use fucoidan as main ingredients in their products, but the FDA has yet to verify whether or not these claims are accurate. According to Dr. Mitchell A. Fleischer, studies indicate that fucoidan may help control allergic reactions and strengthen the immune system.

    Other Elements

    • The following items are listed as secondary Sea Vegg ingredients on the manufacturer's website:

      Vitamins A, B, C, D and E; plant sterols; essential aminos; xanthosphylls; ocean lipids; ALA fatty acids; glycosamingolycans; living enzymes; sodium alginate; inositol; zinc; polyphenols; laminarin; calcium; zeaxanthin; colloidal minerals; mixed carotenoids; mucoplyasaccharides; mixed tochopherols; biotin; gold; silver; auxins; flavenoids

      lutein; omega 3s and 6s; fucoidum; folic acid; selenium; boron; and cytokenins.

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