Does Zinc Deficiency Hinder Fast Hair Growth?
Zinc in the Body
Children with zinc deficiencies may experience delayed growth. Zinc plays many roles in the body. Whitney and Rolfes explain that zinc supports protein systems in the body, participates in insulin synthesis, storage and release, and also assists in immune system functioning and in growth and development of the body.
Food Sources
Meat is among one of the most common food sources for zinc. Zinc can be found in many foods, but is particularly prevalent in high-protein foods. Whitney and Rolfes list shellfish, meat, poultry milk and cheese all as good sources of zinc. If diet alone is not helping improve the deficiency, supplements can be taken.
Zinc and Hair Growth
Zinc deficiencies can cause numerous symptoms. Hair growth may be delayed and hair loss is common. According to Whitney and Rolfes, the other most common symptoms are growth retardation, impaired immune system, delayed sexual maturity, skin and eye lesions and sometimes, loss of appetite.