Benefits of Boron in the Diet
Boron may help strengthen bones. One benefit of boron in the diet is that it enhances bone growth. Boron supports the functions of other nutrients essential to healthy bones, such as calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Boron also prevents these bone-growth nutrients from being excreted in urine. This last point is a new topic of interest for research into the aging process--the fact that bone-building materials are retained by boron may make dietary supplemental boron a potential aid to sufferers of age-related bone deterioration. However, this has yet to be proven.
Retention of Nutrients
Another potential benefit of boron in the diet has to do with the retention of nutrients. Laboratory tests with rats deficient in Vitamin D show a higher retention of Vitamin D in rats given dietary supplemental boron than those given none. This suggests that boron may have similar effects on humans deficient in Vitamin D, as well as other nutrients like calcium and magnesium.
Boron may help lessen the negative effects of menopause Boron may also help mitigate the negative effects of menopause. A decrease in estrogen production leads to loss of sex drive and increase of hot flashes in many postmenopausal women. Preliminary testing shows that boron may help offset the effects of menopause by enhancing estrogen production and helping to metabolize sex hormones in the body.
General Health Enhancement
There is some indication that dietary boron may be an all-around health booster. In general, many of the health benefits of boron come from the fact that it enhances the effects of other nutrients taken in to the body. Boron helps incorporate other essential minerals, not just calcium, into bone. It has also been associated with increased learning, memory, and other cognitive functions.