Sources of B12 for Vegans
Fortified Cereals
One of the easiest sources of B12 for vegans is fortified cereal, or those with added vitamins and minerals. Some vegan cereals contain 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B12, or 2.4 micrograms. Different cereals will have different amounts of the vitamin, so you should check the nutrition facts of each cereal to determine how much of the vitamin you are getting.
Nondairy Milk
Many nondairy milks like soy and almond milk are fortified with B12 and several other B vitamins. These milks typically contain around 20 percent of your RDA of B12, though each brand is slightly different. Combine this milk with a serving of your fortified cereal to make sure you are covered.
Nutritional Yeast
Some vegans consume nutritional yeast in order to receive a nondairy, nonmeat source of several vitamins and minerals. Two rounded teaspoons of some brands provide around 2.4 micrograms. When you purchase yeast, make sure that it was kept in an area cut off from the light since light can destroy vitamin B12, according to It is best to buy the yeast in bulk directly from a yeast company so that you reduce the chance of the yeast being mishandled at a health food store.
Other Sources
Some meats analogs, such as wheat gluten and soybean meat substitutes, are fortified with B12. Some plant foods like sea vegetables, tempeh and miso may include some vitamin B12, but the actual amount of the vitamin varies wildly from plant to plant. Some plants treated with manure when they grew, such as spinach, have some vitamin B12 but the amount is small enough that you would need over 20 cups to reach your RDA for the vitamin.