Recommended Vitamins & Amount Needed
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant and not having enough of it can cause many problems. The recommended intake for anyone who is over age 3 is at least 3,000 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis. Pregnant women should take in 6,000 mg and anyone who has a disease should have an intake of 20,000 to 300,000 mg of vitamin C.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has a recommended intake of 200 IU for ages up to 50. From ages 51 to 70, the recommended intake is 400 IU and anyone above the age of 70 should have an intake of 600 IU. Vitamin D can be toxic if taken in high doses, however children and adults who take the vitamin D supplements up to 2,000 IU is safe. Vitamin D helps to build strong bones, muscles, and helps in preventing cancer and heart disease.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found naturally as well as a out of a bottle. The recommended intake for men and women is 22 IU if taken from food and 33 IUs if taken in pill form. Vitamin E helps the blood to transfer and maintain cells where they are needed throughout the human body. It can be found in natural sources of nuts, leafy green vegetables, oil, liver, and seeds.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays a very important part in your body. It helps to promote healthy bones, immune system, vision, muscles, lungs, blood, reproduction and vision. Vitamin A is found in animal products as a fat-soluble substance. The recommended intake is 600 mg per day. If too much is taken, it can cause fatigue, bone and joint pain, headaches, nausea, scaly, dry skin, and loss of appetite.
Vitamin K
The recommended intake of vitamin K should be 80 mg per day for men and 65 mg per day for women. There are three forms of vitamin K such as K1, K2, K3, each can be found in foods and synthetic form. It helps regulate blood clotting, improves bone strength and health, and helps to prevent fractures to bones. It is found in broccoli, cabbage, kale, soybeans, sprouts, milk, and spinach.
Vitamin B Complex
There are a large range of vitamin B such as B1 thiamine, B2 riboflavin, B3 niacin, B5 pantothenic acid, B6 pyridoxine, B7 biotin, B9 folate or folic acid, and B12 cobalamin. All vitamin B's are important in every diet and helps with bodily functions, growth, and development. They're found in animal and plant food sources as well as synthetic form.