Ascorbic Acid Plus Sodium Bicarbonate
Ascorbic Acid
Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is water-soluble. This means that the body does not naturally store it. Vitamin C can help to reduce the damage that happens when the body converts fat into energy. Vitamin C is considered by some to help in the prevention of cancer. However, there is no evidence to support this.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is most commonly used in cooking. It reacts with acids to release carbon dioxide. Baking soda is considered by some to be an effective treatment of cancer of the digestive tract. However, as baking soda is mostly neutralized in the digestive tract it does little beyond.
Vitamin C, when mixed with baking soda, creates sodium ascorbate and carbon dioxide. In order to adequately mix the two, begin with one gram of vitamin C (building up slowly to five grams over time) and dissolve it in a glass of water. Add one teaspoon of baking soda to the mixture. The baking soda must be aluminum free. This can then be taken orally.
When taken, this mixture of vitamin C and baking soda is attractive to cancer cells. This is because vitamin C is almost indistinguishable to glucose, which cancer cells feed on. The cancer cells absorb the sodium ascorbate, which may be damaging to them. This treatment method has not been scientifically tested and does not in any way guarantee results.
As with all medical conditions, it is very important to discuss any alternative treatments with your doctor. As vitamin C mixed with baking soda is not a scientifically verified treatment for cancer, it may be best used as a supplement to a recognized treatment. Baking soda should not be taken orally for more than three weeks, and after that time you should not take any baking soda for at least another three weeks.