Almond Oil as a Face Moisturizer for Acne
History of Almonds
Almonds originally descend from the Levant region within the Middle East, yet their popularity has spread across the world due to the extensive medicinal and healing properties they offer. The two main types of almonds that are commercially grown are sweet almonds (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) and bitter almonds (Amygdalus communis). Sweet almonds can be identified by their white flowers, compared to bitter almonds, which have pink flowers. Almonds are rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins.
Significance of Almond Oil
Although almonds are commonly known edible nuts across the world, the oil of bitter almonds is actually volatile and contains traces of hydrogen cyanide, which is a poisonous liquid. Sweet almond oil, on the other hand, has a variety of beneficial healing uses. Almond oil is produced from mostly sweet almonds with a small percentage being bitter. Sweet almond oil appears as a clear, pale and yellow liquid, which tastes bland and slightly nutty.
Almond oil is known for its numerous functions and properties. In cooking, it is a great substitute to olive oil. Medicinally, it is used in short periods as a laxative. Almond oil is used to produce cosmetics and soaps, as well for massage oil. Additionally, it is used in aromatherapy. Due to its olein glyceride linoleic acid content, almond oil is an effective skin lubricant.
Almond Oil: A Natural Treatment for Acne
Almond oil has been found to naturally prevent and treat acne, a common eruptive disease of the skin. Because it is an effective moisturizer, it helps to moisten dry skin, making it more supple and less prone to the onset of acne. Almond oil serves an a cleanser and gentle scrub that can remove deeply lodged dirt particles without causing the skin to compensate by producing excess oil--and, eventually, acne.
Expert Insight
There are many ways to incorporate almond oil into one's medicine cabinet. To prevent acne, a combination of oatmeal and almond oil in a face mask is a good start. The oatmeal absorbs excess skin oils, whereas the almond oil prevents over-drying. To treat acne that is viable, try combining lemon and almond oils into a lotion. This mixture will help destroy bacteria and acts as an astringent.