Nausea After Vitamins
Many multivitamins, especially ones designed for women, include a hefty portion of the body's daily iron requirement. If you are taking an iron supplement on an empty stomach, try taking it during or after a meal, as this will help minimize the sick feeling that often follows. It may be a helpful reminder to begin keeping your multivitamin with food in your kitchen instead of keeping it in your bathroom or bedroom.
Most vitamins are held together with substances known as binders, which often include ingredients such as myocrystalline celluslose, sorbitol, xantham gum and carpobol. Each of these can be difficult to digest properly when they are not taken with food. Additionally, many multivitamins have binders that contain lactose and yeast, both of which may cause stomach upset in patients who are allergic or intolerant to these products. Check the label on your vitamin bottle to see of if one of these ingredients may be the culprit.
Vitamin C
While vitamin overdose did not become a problem until relatively recently, it is possible to get too much of certain micronutrients. Taking too much vitamin C can be especially upsetting to the stomach, as it may produce symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and heartburn. However, keep in mind that these symptoms do not appear unless a person takes a very large dose of vitamin C. Most of the time, excess vitamin C is expelled through the urine without causing any problematic symptoms.
Other Minerals
According to research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium may also cause stomach upset when taken in large doses. Because of findings such as these, the European Union has sought to establish stricter standards regarding the labels used on vitamin packaging. Talk to your doctor if you consistently experience an upset stomach after taking vitamins.
Other Causes
Be sure you are not blaming your multivitamin for nausea that has other causes. Consider any recent changes that may be contributing to your stomach problems. For example, a new birth control prescription may be causing you to feel sick in the mornings at the same time that you take your multivitamin.