Biomedical Vitamin & Mineral Supplements
B Vitamins
Vitamin B stimulates the production of enzymes inside the brain. It is administered to patients who suffer from behavioral problems such as autism, attention deficit disorder and chronic depression. In order to be effective however, the B vitamins must be taken with the mineral magnesium. Without the added magnesium the body is unable to use the B vitamins effectively.
Secretin is a mineral supplement approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is usually prescribed to tread gastrointestinal problems but it can also help with sleeping problems, alertness and language skills.
Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil has long been know to contain a number of vitamins, mainly A and D. It is used as a treatment for children suffering from mental disorders. The use of cod liver oil has improved depression, ability to make eye contact and control aggressive behavior.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, found in a lot of citrus fruit is administered as a supplement to aide brain function. It increased activity in the brain and reduces depression and lethargy. It has been shown in clinical trials that it lessens the effect of autism in children if administered regularly.
Niacin, a mineral, is present in meat, and leafy vegetables. It is used in biomedical therapy to increase the flow of hydrogen throughout the body. This helps the brain work better and reduces strain. As a result people suffering from lack of concentration, increased anxiety and chronic depression experience a relief of symptoms.