Vitamins Needed for Healthy Hair
Rethink Haircare
The first step to achieving and maintaining healthy hair through diet and nutrition is to rethink haircare. Hair shampoos, conditioners and styling products cannot actually improve hair, only the way it looks on a superficial level. Improving hair growth and therefore nutrition requires proper nutrition. An hour spent styling hair in the morning could be well replaced with a healthy breakfast, multivitamin and a little time spent planning meals. The end result will be hair that actually grows healthy, not just looks.
Plan Ahead
Plan to eat a balanced diet, which is the key to hair health, according to the American Chronicle. Hair health is a sign of overall health. Hair that is poor in appearance may be a sign of poor nutrition. Hair is mostly made of protein so plan healthy proteins such as eggs, nuts and fish into meals. Make sure to get enough dairy and certain vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and broccoli, which contain vitamin A. Vitamin A promotes scalp health. Vitamin B and C help hair grow, stay strong and maintain color. Vegans and vegetarians should note that B vitamins are found in meat, but also in nuts, green leafy vegetables and wheat. Vitamin C is found in fruits such as oranges and berries.
Plan meals that include minerals in combination with vitamins for optimal hair health. Examples of minerals needed for strong, attractive hair include magnesium, silica, calcium and iron. Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, meats and seafoods are good choices. Silica is important to preventing hair loss and damage. It is found in many foods like rice, oats, strawberries and lettuce. Copper helps maintain the natural coloring of the hair and is found in meat, nuts, seeds and liver.
Things that are consumed other than vitamins are important, such as minerals, like salt. In order to achieve the healthiest hair possible, plan meals that cut out any excess amounts of sugar and salt. Try to avoid over-consumption of caffeine, as well as alcohol and cigarettes. Supplement a regular haircare routine with healthy oils like olive oil, that help restore the hair from the inside out. Massage oils into the scalp with wet hair for best results, which should be relaxing, then rinse thoroughly. Healthy exercise and regular, hygienic practices are also important to having nice-looking, strong hair.