What Are the Effects of B12 on Memory Loss?
B12 and Alzheimer's
Since the effects of a B12 deficiency mimic Alzheimer's disease, supplements can relieve symptoms but do not indicate a clear relationship that the vitamin can stop or improve memory loss.
B12 and Gastric Illnesses
Adults over age 60 are susceptible to B12 deficiencies due to gastric illnesses such as atrophic gastritis, which affects 10 percent to 30 percent of this age group, according to Jane Higdon, Ph.D., of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.
Homocysteine and Memory Loss
Since high levels of homocysteine in the blood have been linked to poor cognition, it was theorized that B12, being known to lower homocysteine levels, would improve memory. However, through the end of 2006, only one out of 18 group studies testing B12 and similar folic vitamins scored better on tests measuring memory.
Vitamin B12 and Memory Decline
Individual health factors play heavily into memory decline in the elderly, but B12 deficiencies are common to this group, and with B12 supplements, the improvement to memory has been documented.
B12 Limitations
A study done in 1996 found that the effects of B12 and memory suggested a critical threshold after which the relationship disappears. As the prevalence of B12 deficiency increases in older individuals, symptom improvements cap off once recommended B12 levels have been reached.