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Magnesium and Bladder Function
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in human bodies, important for proper heart rhythms, strong bones, nerve and muscle function, and controlling blood sugar and blood pressure. Some researchers believe it can also help with bladder problems.-
One double-blind trial found that women with bladder control problems who took magnesium supplements had better bladder control and felt less of a sense of urgency about using the bathroom than women who took a placebo.
How Does It Work?
Magnesium affects the transportation of calcium through your body, and the concentration of calcium affects muscle movement, including the bladder.
Magnesium Deficiency
Dr. John Briffa says a magnesium deficiency may be a cause of bladder problems, though he hasn't made a clinical study to test this.
The National Institutes of Health recommends that the average man over 30 get 420 milligrams of magnesium a day. For women, it's 320 mg--more if they're pregnant.
Sources of Magnesium
Good sources of magnesium include halibut, nuts, soybeans and spinach.