The Best Sources of B12
Beef Liver
Beef liver has one of the highest concentrations of vitamin B12 per serving. One 4-ounce serving provides about 42 micrograms (mcg) of B12, more than six times the recommended daily intake.
When baked or broiled, snapper provides just under 4 mcg of B12 per 4-ounce serving. This is just over two-thirds of the vitamin B12 that the body typically needs each day. A common and popular variety of snapper is the red snapper.
Venison is also known as deer meat. Each 4-ounce serving of venison offers 60 percent of a person's daily B12 intake. Venison is higher in calories than beef liver or snapper, so it is a less desirable choice for those on a calorie-restricted diet.
Vegetarian B12
For vegetarians, a fortified cereal can be the best way to get enough daily B12. According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) fact sheet, a serving of cereal fortified with 100 percent of the daily value of B12 has about 6 mcg of the vitamin. For lacto-ovo vegetarians, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese contain some vitamin B12, but in amounts that require several servings to meet the daily intake recommendation.