Who Should Not Take Zinc Picolinate?
Zinc Toxicity
A report by G.J. Fosmire, entitled, “Zinc Toxicity,” in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, states high zinc intake can create toxic side effects in the body.
Side Effects
Fosmire’s report notes one side effect of excessive zinc intake is copper deficiency leading to anemia. Others include loss of iron absorption, a weakened immune system, and increasing so-called “bad” cholesterol.
Drug Interactions
A report entitled “Zinc,” from the University of Maryland Medical Center cautions that zinc can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.
Zinc Picolinate
Zinc picolinate lets the body absorb more zinc quickly when measured against other zinc supplements, according to a report in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Because it provides for increased, fast absorption of zinc, anyone taking medications, especially antibiotics, or who has a compromised immune system, abnormal cholesterol, or anemia should avoid taking zinc picolinate without first consulting with her health care provider.