About Nature's Code Vitamins
Men and women have different nutritional needs. Nature's Code Nutritional Systems are custom-packaged based on sex and age. The individual packets make them easy to take along in a purse or a pocket.
"Confirmed Release" makes Nature's Code different. According to Nature's Code, all tablets or capsules have "Confirmed Release" ability, designed to break down within a specific amount of time--- stated on each supplement's packaging---to provide optimal nutritional balance.
Men's formulas address specific needs. Each packet contains an antioxidant tablet with the potential to protect healthy cells from damage caused by radical cells---organic molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage and possibly some diseases.
Younger women have different needs than older women. Nature's Code claims to bases its formulation on optimal health rather than "adequate" nutrition, with each packet containing seven different pills taken once a day.
All Nature's Code supplement packets contain 50 mg of Coenzyme Q10. According to the Mayo Clinic, Coenzyme Q10 decreases with age, with low levels linked to heart problems, cancer and diabetes.