Benefits of Magnesium Taurate
Magnesium is important to insulin sensitivity and because of this correlation, magnesium taurate can be an effective supplement for the treatment of diabetes. Both Type 1 and 2 patients should benefit. Take 125 mg, three to four times a day.
Cardiovascular Disease
Some studies have associated high blood concentrations with lower risk of coronary heart disease. Increased magnesium has also been shown to decrease the risk of strokes as well as decreasing the likelihood of abnormal heart rhythms. A good way to supplement for heart disease is to take 125 mg of magnesium taurate three times a day.
Osteoporosis has been linked to magnesium deficiency especially in postmenopausal women. Magnesium affects the rate of calcium uptake in the body, and how much of the mineral is used to build bone. Magnesium taurate can help increase bone density. Take 125 mg two to three times daily.