The Effects of High & Low Potassium in Humans
Potassium is both a mineral and an electrolyte, and is related to a healthy brain, muscle growth and balancing of water in the entire body. A proper diet will usually provide adequate amounts of potassium; however, there can be complications with a potassium level that is either too high or too low.-
Causes of Low Potassium
Eating disorders, kidney diseases or adrenal problems can cause low potassium levels, as can extreme dieting, diarrhea, vomiting, diuretics and other medications.
Effects of Low Potassium
Weakness, paralysis, muscles cramps, muscle numbness and tingling are all seen when potassium levels are too low, as are confusion, forgetfulness and lack of mental clarity. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, low potassium levels may contribute to stroke and high blood pressure.
Potassium and the Heart
Potassium is necessary to keep the heart healthy. Since potassium is an electrolyte is helps the heart to pump. If there's not enough potassium, the electrical signals become irregular.
Effects of High Potassium
Hyperkalemia or high potassium levels can cause heart and respiratory system problem, as well as kidney dysfunction, diabetes, nausea and a weak pulse. In severe cases, it may even cause the heart to stop.
Potassium Rich Foods
Many foods have plenty of potassium, such bananas, beans, dried fruits, grapes, meat, milk, oranges, potatoes, spinach and watermelon.