How to Determine the Dosage of B12 for Weight Loss
Determine your need. If your diet already consists of a healthy amount of liver, trout, salmon, clams, or even fortified breakfast cereal, you may not need to take a vitamin B12 supplement. These foods are all heavily fortified with the necessary amount for proper bodily functions.
Decide your method of ingestion. Vitamin B12 can be taken a orally in pill form or in a sublingual fashion. Sublingual versions of the vitamin are usually in liquid or lozenge form and are marketed as having greater absorption qualities than the pill or tablet. There is no evidence to suggest that one form is superior, so which form you choose is simply a matter of preference.
Determine the amount of your dosage. The recommended dosage for both men and non-pregnant women over the age of 14 is 2.4 mcg per day. Your dosage should be consistent with this guideline. Anything additional could simply be a waste of money.
Eat a healthy diet so that any supplementation you take will be for weight loss and not for overcoming a deficiency. If you know that you are eating foods rich in Vitamin B12, be sure to measure your weight changes according to when you started your B12 doses. This will give you an accurate gauge of whether it is helping you lose weight or not. You can also play around with the dosages a bit because B12 has not been determined to be toxic at higher dosage levels. This gives you some room to experiment.
Exercise regularly. There is no substitute for proper diet and exercise. If you are taking B12 as a quick fix, you are likely wasting your time. If you lose weight when taking vitamin B12, it may be due to increased energy levels, which, in turn, lead to increased activity and caloric expenditure. Keep track of your progress and any changes you make in terms of dosage, diet, and exercise so that you can truly see what the source of your weight loss is.