Hair Loss Due to Going Vegetarian
Zinc Deficiency
A deficiency of zinc can cause hair loss or thinning. Most omnivores derive much of their zinc from animal foods, such as beef, fish and eggs, while vegetarians exclude some or all animal-based sources.
Vegetarian Zinc Sources
Vegetarians can obtain zinc from legumes, nuts and whole grains. Zinc from these sources is not as readily absorbed as zinc from animal sources, so vegetarians will need a higher overall daily intake of this mineral.
B12 Deficiency
B12 is a vitamin that is found naturally in meats, fish, eggs and dairy products. A severe lack of B12 can contribute to anemia and hair loss.
Vegetarian B12 Sources
Vegetarians can add eggs and dairy products to obtain sufficient B12 to prevent hair loss. Vegans should choose B12-fortified soy milk, tempeh or tofu.
Many people believe that vegetarians do not get enough protein, which contributes to hair loss and other health problems. Aside from "junk food vegetarians" who live on chips and beer, most vegetarians derive sufficient protein from a well-balanced diet.