Supplements to Take to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
Determine the most likely cause of the dark circles under your eyes. Does Grandma have the same problem? If so, the condition may be hereditary. If you’re getting up there in age it could also be a normal result of the aging process. Do you suffer from allergies? Nasal congestion causes dark circles under the eyes. So can lack of sleep, smoking, drinking alcohol or drinking caffeinated beverages. Take these causes into consideration and plan to make changes, promoting healthy skin where possible.
Make a healthy diet with vitamin supplements part of your plan. Dr. Baumann, a professor in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the University ?of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, Florida says, \"Vitamins continue to be recognized as playing an important role in the ?health of the body, including the skin. New studies have shown that? vitamin K and niacin are beneficial to the skin, specifically for problems ?involving pigmentation and dry skin.\"
According to Medline Plus, there are two forms of Vitamin K: K1 that we get from plants, especially green, leafy vegetables; K2 that we make in our digestive system. Vitamin K supplements are available only by prescription because it’s so toxic. Deficiencies are rare but Vitamin K can help with those dark circles under the eyes. So eat your green, leafy vegetables.
Niacin (B3) supplements are available in combination with other B vitamin supplements, several of which are beneficial to the skin. According to Harvard Health Publications, Thiamine (B1) and Riboflavin (B2) are listed as having positive effects on the skin. Iron and Vitamin C aid the body in the production of collagen (Reference 3), a protein that helps makes skin look healthy.
Don’t rely on supplements alone. Watch consumption of caffeinated beverages and alcohol, drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep and eat fresh vegetables. Remember that protein also aids in production of collagen. An overall healthy diet provides the foundation of vitamins you need and the supplements hopefully can fill in the cracks, vanquishing those dark circles under your eyes.
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