Oily Skin Diet Supplements
Oily skin is caused by the sebaceous glands in your skin producing too much sebum. Sebum is used by the body to lubricate your skin and hair. An overabundance of sebum can make skin look and feel oily and cause blemishes. Your best route to healthy skin is plenty of water and a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and lean sources of protein. No one supplement has been proved to specifically address oily skin. But taking supplements that promote healthy skin in general may help to improve the appearance of an oily complexion.-
How to Tell if Your Skin is Oily
Oily skin is characterized by a shiny look and the presence of oil on the skin. The oil may become noticeable approximately 20 minutes after you have washed and dried your face. Your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin may be the most affected areas. Many times, excess sebum leads to clogged pores and blemishes that cause acne, although the skin condition may have other causes.
Vitamins for Oily Skin
According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin C may help to give you a healthier complexion and reduce blemishes. B-complex vitamins, zinc, copper and vitamin E may also be beneficial to your skin by promoting elastin production in your skin cells. Elastin is a major component in healthy skin cell production. Healthy skin may have a better balance of sebum production and be less prone to oiliness. Vitamin A helps in the repair and growth of skin cells.
Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) help to provide your skin with the natural lubrication it needs. Without the proper amount of EFA in your body, your skin may produce more sebum in an effort to replace it. The excess sebum may cause oily skin and blemishes. EFA's include omega-3 and omega-6 essential oils. You can find EFA's in fish oil or evening primrose oil supplements.