Isotonix Diet
The active ingredients in the supplement Isotonix OPC-3 are grapeseed extract, pine bark extract, red wine extract, biliberrry extract and citrus extract. All are excellent sources of a special anti-oxidant called proanthocyanidins. According to a study published by Current Medicinal Chemistry, proanthocyanidins may play an important role in health by acting as cancer chemopreventives, which suppress or prevent the progression of invasive cancers, and anti-inflammatory agents. They are also thought to reduce the risk of cardiovascular mortality. Another study published in the journal Toxicology reported that oligomeric proanthocyanidins, naturally occurring anti-oxidants widely available in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, flowers and bark, possess a broad spectrum of biological, pharmacological and therapeutic activities against free radicals and oxidative stress.
Isotonix Into Your Diet
Isotonix will work best if you are eating a clean diet and exercising. Eating a clean diet means very little or no fast or processed foods. Your diet should include only fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans, lean dairy products and lean protein sources. Your exercise regimen should include resistance, cardiovascular and flexibility training. You should engage in some form of exercise at least four days each week for at least 30 minutes.
When to Take Isotonix
The supplement Isotonix OPC-3 should be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to ensure maximum absorption. This way when it enters the stomach, it can be processed immediately. Mix the supplement with water only. Any other liquid will require digestion and will slow absorption. The amount that you take depends on body size, so read the instructions carefully.
How Long To Take Isotonix
Because Isotonix is an all-natural supplement, you can take it first to improve your health. Continue to take it to maintain your health.