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How to Wake Adrenals With Herbs and Vitamins

Adrenal glands are antistress organs. They are part of the endocrine system located immediately above the kidneys. Adrenals release hormones for vitality within the body. This pair of organs supports physical and chemical processes that create and use energy. This is especially important when dealing with stressful situations. But adrenal disorders develop from too little or too much hormone secretion. A reduction in adrenal function often results in dizziness, lethargy and weakness. When the adrenals are not functioning properly, low blood pressure or low blood sugar could develop. Weak adrenal glands can lower body temperature. Adrenal fatigue also becomes a possibility. However, there are various natural ways to perk up those lagging energy makers.

Things You'll Need

  • Vitamins: vitamin B complex, vitamin B5, vitamin C with bioflavinoids, vitamin E
  • Coenzyme A, coenzyme Q10
  • Herbs: astragalus tea or extract, echinechea, Panax ginseng root tea or Siberian ginseng tonic Hawthorne, Gotukola, Kava Kava, Valerian or St. John's Wort tea
  • Teacup
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  1. Vitamin/Herb Therapy

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      Use vitamin B complex and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Take 100 mg of vitamin B complex two times a day. Take 100 mg of vitamin B5 three times a day. Pantothenic acid is necessary for proper adrenal gland function.

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      Take 4,000 to 10,000 mg of vitamin C with bioflavinoids, dividing the doses over the day. This dietary supplement can recharge the adrenals.

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      Use coenzyme A as directed on the label for stress reduction. Take 30 mg daily of coenzyme Q10 soft gels as a comprehensive antioxidant that carries oxygen to every gland.

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      Use vitamin E to get oxygen to the cellular level. Take as directed on the label.

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      Use the traditional Chinese medicine herb astragalus root in tea or extract form. Follow the extract directions on the product. Extracts are more effective because they are highly concentrated.

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      Use echinacea extract as directed on the label or steep 1 tsp. of granulated root for a half hour in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and take as tea three to six times daily. Echinacea is an antitoxin that dispels impurities in the blood.

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      Use 1 tsp. of chopped Panax ginseng. Steep in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Take as tea four times a day. If you prefer, buy a good Siberian ginseng tonic instead. Take 2 to 4 g of the tonic every day for no more than 60 days.

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      Consume Hawthorne, Gotukola, Kava Kava, Valerian or St. John's Wort tea when feeling stressed out. Do not drink more than 3 cups a day.

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