Epsom Salt Diet
How to Prepare
Prepare for your Epsom salt diet by drinking two glasses of filtered water first thing in the morning. Drinking the water will flush your system and prepare it for the Epsom salt later. Eat a normal diet void of fat until mid-afternoon, around 2 p.m. If you must have coffee or tea, hold the milk. Avoid all citrus fruits and juices because they will interfere with the diet.
From 2 p.m. until 6 p.m., avoid all foods and liquids, including water. Add 3 heaping tsp. of Epsom salt to a quart of water and chill. Chilling is not required, but will make the bitterness somewhat easier to ingest.
Start Your Diet
Pour one 8 oz. glass of the liquid and drink it at 6 p.m. Repeat this with a second glass at 8 p.m. At 10 p.m., you will face the toughest challenge of the diet. Pour 4 oz. of olive oil into a glass and mix with the juice of one lemon. It won't be the most pleasant concoction, but you can suck on the juice of a lemon afterward to ease the lingering taste of the oil. Lie down to sleep with your upper body slightly elevated until morning. This will aid in the digestive process. You may feel the urgency to go to the bathroom right away, but chances are it will hold off until morning.
End of the Diet
At 8 a.m., pour yourself another 8 oz. glass of Epsom salt water. Stick close to the bathroom, as your bowels will start to move quickly during this phase of the diet. This is the result of toxins being flushed from your gall bladder and liver. Drink your last glass of Epsom salt water at 10 a.m. followed by a glass of warm water to battle any dehydration you may experience. Fast until noon. Resume your normal diet slowly, starting with light meals for the remainder of the day. This diet only needs to be performed once a year.