How to Stop Hair Loss With Your Diet
Clean out your kitchen. Get rid of sodas and junk food such as ice cream, cookies, and cakes. Anything heavy in sugar or too processed should go. In order to get the nutrition you need to stop hair loss, you must let go of as many empty calories as possible. Sugary junk foods have an addictive quality and make it harder to get the healthier food your body needs. Since hair health is reflective of overall health, it's not good enough to take a multivitamin and continue eating junk food.
Eat a diet rich in Protein, Zinc, B vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin A. All of these nutrients are directly tied in to the health of your hair and many people with hair loss are deficient in one or more of them. Try to get your nutrients from whole unprocessed foods, rather than fortified cereals, since the quality of the vitamins in fortified cereal is generally low.
Many people with hair loss have a zinc/copper imbalance. According to "Ask Alice" on the Columbia University website: "Zinc is an important mineral for your hair, and a deficiency would probably show up as excessive hair loss, lack of sheen, and difficulty with control."
Take a high-quality probiotic with the acidophilus and bifidum cultures. These are healthy bacteria that your body needs for proper digestion and will aid your body in vitamin absorption.
Take a medical-grade multivitamin. These can be found at a health food store or natural pharmacy. It's important to take a multivitamin that gives you enough vitamins for optimum health and that is made with the highest quality ingredients. For example, for vitamin D you need vitamin D3, not the lower quality D2. For vitamin C you need calcium ascorbate, not ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is not true vitamin C. All multivitamins are not created equal so check labels.