Prenatal Pills for Hair Growth
The Pills
Prenatal pills are vitamins that pregnant women take in order to provide their bodies---and their growing babies---with vital nutrients. While similar to multivitamins, they have extra amounts of other vitamins or minerals, such as folic acid, iron and calcium.
Why Prenatal?
Pregnant women often have very beautiful hair, and may notice that their hair seems to grow more quickly and feels fuller. Many people feel that this is due to the prenatal vitamins, and take them in order to get the same effect.
There is little proof that confirms taking a prenatal vitamin will help with hair growth. Taking a multivitamin, and ensuring that you are eating a balanced diet, is likely to prove just as effective at helping with hair growth as taking prenatal vitamins.
Pregnancy and Hair
Hormones are likely the reason that pregnant women often have such nice hair. The increased production of hormones puts hair into growth phase, and discourages shedding.
While it is unlikely that taking prenatal vitamins when you are not pregnant will cause you any real harm, you should consult with a doctor before taking them. Due to the increased levels of certain nutrients in comparison to a regular multivitamin, there can be potential side effects such as constipation or an upset stomach.