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What Vitamins Are in Meats?

Meat contains many essential vitamins. Liver and kidney meat is especially plentiful in nutrients. However, we should not rely on meat for all of our vitamin needs, as cooking can affect the potency of some vitamins.
  1. Vitamin A

    • Vitamin A is found in kidney, liver, fish, and animal fat. It can also be found in dairy, eggs, leafy greens, and many other foods.

    B Vitamins

    • Meat is a great source of B vitamins. These vitamins are found in many meats, such as beef, pork, fish, and poultry.

    Vitamin C

    • Vitamin C is found in meat, but cooking adversely affects the nutrient. Vitamin C can also be found in abundance in citrus fruits.

    Vitamin D

    • Vitamin D can be found in liver, egg yolks, and some fish and dairy products. Sunlight is another great source of Vitamin D.

    Vitamin E

    • Vitamin E can be found in liver. However, leafy greens and other foods are much better sources of Vitamin E.

    Vitamin K

    • Vitamin K can be found in liver. Leafy greens and soybean oil, among other things, are also good sources of vitamin K.

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