What Are the Health Benefits of IV Vitamin C?
According to The Bio-Communications Research Institute, IV vitamin C has proven beneficial in cancer treatment. MamasHealth.com also points out that vitamin C is used by the body in the formation of teeth and bones. It promotes the healing of bone fractures.
Vitamin C boosts immunity by increasing the body's natural resistance to viral infections and diseases. It also lowers blood sugar levels.
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It lowers the level of histamine in the body, which reduces the likelihood of an allergy or asthma attack.
Surprisingly, vitamin C also reduces lead in the bloodstream. Lead poisoning is dangerous, especially among young children. It causes neurological and developmental delays.
Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C. In addition to dietary supplements, vitamin C can be found in the following foods: oranges, broccoli, green peppers, cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts and strawberries.