What Is the Function of Pyridoxine?
Vitamin B6 is known to treat more than 100 ailments of the body. It has been found to help prevent heart disease. Vitamin B6 combats the buildup of homocysteine, a compound that damages blood vessel linings. Vitamin B6 also prevents blood platelets from building up and creating blocked passages within the body.
Foods That Contain Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 occurs in a wide range of foods. Pyridoxine is found mainly in plants. Bananas and Brussels sprouts both contain high levels of pyridoxine. Even though vitamin B6 appears in most foods, some people are still deficient of the vitamin.
Vitamin B6 Deficiency
The recommended daily value of vitamin B6 is 1.3 micrograms for men and women; with 1.7 mcg recommended for adults over 50 years of age. If your doctor determines you have a vitamin B6 deficiency, supplements might be prescribed.
Vitamin B6 Supplements
Over-the-counter supplements are available. If your doctor determines you have a deficiency, she will provide you with the required recommended dose. It is recommended that vitamin B6 be taken without a vitamin B complex.
Vitamin B6 is toxic in high doses, though side effects are reversible. Do not start a vitamin regimen without your doctor's approval.