Foods & Vitamins That Increase Metabolism
Go Nuts for Protein
Nuts improve metabolism. Nuts actually get your body to work harder while processing your food. They are full of protein, which makes you feel full longer.
Grapefruit--The Super Food
Grapefruit lowers insulin. Grapefruit is another food that forces your body to burn calories during the digestive process. This effectively increases your metabolism. Grapefruit also lowers insulin levels.
Turkey builds muscles. Rich in protein, turkey builds strong muscles. This causes your body to use more energy, increasing the metabolism.
Jalapenos speed your metabolism. Hours after eating jalapenos, the effects can still be felt. Jalapenos increase your heart rate, speed your metabolism and cause you to burn excess calories long after that last bite.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B for proper cell function A complex B vitamin is essential to boosting your metabolism. It is responsible for building muscle tone and for promoting better growth and function of cells. Take B vitamins that are absorbed under the tongue, such as liquids that you hold in your mouth for 30 seconds or tablets that dissolve quickly.
Co-enzyme Q10
Necessary for basic cellular function, co-enzyme Q10 is essential for increased metabolism. It is responsible for providing energy to the muscles.