Fish Oil to Help Fight Cholesterol
Fish oils and other omega 3s
Your omega 3 intake can be improved by eating--you guessed it--fish. Eating fatty fish, including salmon, halibut, tuna, trout, and herring, a few times a week is an easy way to increase your omega 3 intake. If you do not like fish, there is plenty of omega 3 in flaxseed oil, ground flaxseed and other oils such as canola, soybean and walnut. Studies have shown that flaxseed consumption lowers blood LDL cholesterol levels up to 18 percent. It is believed more omega 3 fatty acids in the cells increases the cells fluidity, which in turn promotes cholesterol excretion.
Taking fish oil supplements to reduce cholesterol
The best and most inexpensive way to get your omega 3 is by consuming foods that are high in the oil. Some people are just not fatty fish or flaxseed eaters and choose to take a fish oil capsule. (Two sister omega 3 acids, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are unsaturated fatty acids found in fish oil and have become popular ingredients in fish oil supplements. Increased intake of these supplements has shown to lower cholesterol levels, lower blood triglycerides and actually raise the level of high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).
When purchasing, keep in mind not all of these supplements are of high standard. Make sure they list the types of omega 3 oils on the bottle and that they are natural and toxic free. The oil should be extracted from the flesh of the fish. Check the label to see if any Vitamin E has been added; this will prevent oxidation so the pills do not become rancid. Bottles labeled "Fish Oils" are not recommended because even though they will contain a bit of EPA/DHA, they are high in Viamins A and D and are usually not toxin free.