How to Test Vitamins in Vinegar
Things You'll Need
- Half a cup of white vinegar
- Vitamin tablet
Pour half a cup of white vinegar into a glass and drop a vitamin tablet into the glass. The acidity of the vinegar mimics how your stomach would digest the vitamin.
Check to see how long the vitamin takes to dissolve. If the vitamin is not dissolving in the glass of vinegar, then it's probably not going to dissolve in your stomach, either. Quality vitamins usually begin breaking down almost immediately and finish breaking down within 30 to 45 minutes.
Check to see if dirt is floating on top of the vinegar, or if there is some gritty substance on the bottom of the glass. If there is dirt floating on top, it means the vitamin's manufacturer is using sawdust as a filler. Grit on the bottom of the glass means the vitamin's manufacturer is using sand as a filler. Neither of these is a good sign.